Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Jesus fulfilled all the prophetic promises about the Messiah of Israel.
Peter Stoner, Chairman of the Departments of Mathematics and Astronomy at Pasadena College, was passionate about biblical prophecies. With 600 students from the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Stoner looked at eight specific prophecies about Jesus. They came up with extremely conservative probabilities for each one being fulfilled, and then considered the likelihood of Jesus fulfilling all eight of those prophecies.
The conclusion to his research was staggering. The prospect that anyone would satisfy those eight prophecies was just 1 in 1017.
The fact that Jesus is the promised Messiah of Israel is essential to our faith in who Jesus is. As Peter confessed, "You are the Christ, the Son of God.
But my Jewish friends who practice modern Judaism deny this truth. According to the Rabbinic teaching of modern Judaism, codified about 200 CE, Jesus is not the Messiah of Israel. By rejecting Jesus (Yeshua), they reject their only hope of eternal life. The fact that Jesus is the promised Messiah of Israel is essential to our faith in who Jesus is. As Peter confessed, "You are the Christ, the Son of God.
Many times I have been told by Jewish friends who do not believe in Yeshua to just leave them alone. They tell me that they do not want my concern, and that it is very insulting to them for me to talk about Yeshua being the Messiah of Israel. They tell me to practice my faith, and let them practice their faith, as if it is not important that we believe something in direct contradiction.
If Jesus (Yeshua) is not the Messiah of Israel, then my faith that He is the Christ is a lie, and Christianity is nothing.
If Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel, then modern Rabbinic Judaism is a farce, and founded on a lie.
So how can we just agree to not care, when our fundamental faith is in question? No, I must prove my faith and keep trying to show it to others. Of course we cannot force anyone to believe that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel, but we can keep presenting the facts of history.
We are blessed today to live in the information age. There is no excuse for literate people being uninformed. Jesus is the promised Messiah. He fulfills all the promises. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.